تعبير عن شي ندمت عليه بالانجليزي

تعبير عن شي ندمت عليه بالانجليزي نكتشف من خلاله مفهوم الندم، وكيف يمكن أن يكون الندم نقمة على صاحبه، وكيف بإمكاننا استغلال هذا الشعور الطبيعي للفوز بدفعة إلى الأمام على كافة الأصعدة، نكتشف أيضًا بعض الجمل التي تساعدنا في التعبير عن الندم في مواقف مختلفة باللغة الإنجليزية، والمزيد تجدونه في موقع زيادة.

Elements of the subject

  • An introduction to express something I regretted in English.
  • Should a person feel remorse.
  • Sense of regret… Between men and women.
  • Positive values of remorse.
  • How can we deal with regret.
  • The importance of expressing remorse.
  • Sentences to express remorse جُمل تعبير عن شي ندمت عليه بالانجليزي
  • The conclusion is an expression of something I regretted in English.

اقرأ أيضًاتعبير عن الدراسة حضوري بالانجليزي

An introduction to express something I regretted in English

Regret prevails in a wrong idea that confines it to a dark area that has negative consequences, issued by the person a behavior, not necessarily wrong, but leads to the opposite results desirable.

So he reviews himself, and his conscience holds him accountable, resulting in an emotional state that often depends on a cognitive background, igniting an overwhelming desire to retreat from what was from him, and this is what we call “regret”.

In psychology, scientists attribute people’s sense of remorse to their comparison between the consequences of what they did and what would have been if they had not done so, which they imagine would have been better to continue, and this emotional feeling is dangerous to its owner if it is not controlled by the mind.

The feeling of regret is accompanied by a feeling of loss of control over things, and while the situation is tolerant of a new opportunity, repentance to expiate sins, and wiser actions that lead to better results,

feelings of confusion lead the human mind and may push his feeling of remorse to blame himself too much, turning healthy regret into a dangerous and annoying self-flagellation.

Should a person feel remorse

Should a person live in the moment and not look back? Should he not worry about his decisions, actions and attitudes towards himself and others? Or should he hold himself accountable,

review the effects of what he has done, and allow his conscience to provide an analysis of his behavior and the consequences that followed?

Certainly, it seems useful and healthy for a person to allocate a space for himself in which his humanity appears, by showing some health impact towards his words, actions and decisions that he has already taken, and if the results are catastrophic or negative at the very least,

he may hold himself accountable and allow her to feel remorse and shame, It strives to search for the appropriate solution by which things can be fixed to return to their normal course, or until a new sound path is established, based on experiences, experiences and thoughtful future perspectives.

Sense of regret… Between men and women

According to a statistic conducted on a group of men and women who separated from their romantic partners, a large percentage of women showed great regret for separation,

motivated by emotional motives similar to the custom of women in looking at things, while the corresponding percentage in men was almost half, which showed their abilities to overcome situations very quickly and steadily.

But in general, this is not the best way to deal with situations, as we mentioned earlier, regret is an effective way to clear the eyes, and push people to make the right decisions, or fix what has happened,

we often hear from men “I was stupid, I endured a lot with me and I did not appreciate this”, and we hear from women “Oh I rushed a lot, and I do not know how these words came out of me” and both scenes may end with the phrase “I must fix it”.

Positive values of remorse

The feeling of regret is one of the emotional aspects of the natural human composition; he always needs a mental compass that corrects his directions, as the mind,

perception and preconceived culture that the individual enjoys are what will determine his fate after he is infected with this feeling and expressed it, here is the crossroads in which man chooses in which way his fate will be.

It may seem strange, but regret has been classified as the top of the list of negative emotions that produce positive effects,

which is to help its owner to understand the world more clearly, achieve a higher level of positive harmony with the rest of society, as well as provide him with insight that improves his abilities to deal with things in the future better.

This is the ultimate goal that man must keep in mind the first thing that the feeling of regret knocks on the door of his emotion, to lead this feeling of reason, science and consciousness until he reaches the best way to correct the course, or face a fierce war with himself in which he is the only loser.

How can we deal with regret

Fortunately, there are several simple, effective and positive ways to deal with regret more healthily, and the first of these ways is to harness the functional aspects of it, which is to help our brains communicate their message to us by taking another look at the options ahead of us.

We are human beings, and this is our human nature, so do not overdo it in blaming yourself, and leave a fair enough space for the circumstances that led you to rely on the wrong choice, do not let regret drag you into the spiral of depression, self-degradation and self-flagellation,

if nothing can be done anymore; let it pass peacefully, and only learn the lesson and gain experience.

Do not practice extremism with regret, do not leave the side of the error to go to it from another direction, and as we move forward in fixing mistakes, we should not prejudice ourselves too much or underestimate them in front of those we have wronged, claiming that we regret and want to apologize.

The importance of expressing remorse

The importance of expressing remorse lies in making fixing mistakes easier, especially when expressing remorse in front of those who have been transgressed,

as it reaches a clear message that you have rethought for a long time what you have done wrong, and you have reached a conclusion that condemns you, and that you are ready to apologize and provide appropriate compensation, and this is what relieves matters and tension of the situation a little.

On the other side – the personal side – the importance of expressing remorse lies in helping the person to think more clearly and organized, and this makes it easier for him to plan to reach a good settlement of the situation, and deal better.

On the religious level, the expression of remorse is of great importance, as it is the worshipper to return to God, ask for His compassion and mercy, remind the soul to transgress them in His right, and push him to search for means that would erase sins and atone for sins.

اقرأ أيضًا: جمل عن الثقة بالنفس بالانجليزي

Sentences to express remorse

“I really feel great remorse for my actions and the follies I have said, and I wish I had the time to stop them in time, forgive me… I love you”.

“Only if there’s something I can do to fix things, I’ll do what I can, just give me one chance after.”

“Oh, O God, you look at my heart, and you know how much regret I have, but I know how merciful you are, and that you are great forgiveness, and your mercy has expanded everything, so forgive me what was from me, and help me never return to this”.

“My friend, in the event that you do not know, your place in the heart is greater than anything, except for those who regret my transgression in your right, so please forgive me, and make me above the excuse seventy excuses, and I promise you that you will not see from me other than everything beautiful befitting your pure heart”.

“I have made a lot of apologies in my life, to my friends and others, but I discovered that the only one worth apologizing to is me, all that exhausted me was my wrong choices, ruined my future and my relationships with choices, I wish I hadn’t chosen.”

“I was a person full of fun and dreams, I had energy and hopes, I gave my energy to fun and forgot dreams, and the days passed so that I did nothing in my life, I deeply regretted my time that was wasted at a time when regret does not intercede”.

اقرأ أيضًاعبارات شكر للاصدقاء بالانجليزي

The conclusion of an expression of something I regretted in English

After reviewing a psychological glimpse of regret, and learning what drives us to this feeling, we are shackled by the mental responsibility that we should give enough space to guide us towards exploiting it in the best way, and avoid falling deep into its negative spiral.

تكتسبون عدة مفاهيم مؤثرة من خلال الاطلاع على موضوع تعبير عن شي ندمت عليه بالانجليزي، الذي أدركنا من خلاله أنه وقتما حل الندم حانت لحظة الاختيار؛ فإما أن تُنتهز الفرص أو يصبح لعنةً على صاحبه.


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